Buyers Inspection


Buyers Inspection

Sellers Inspection

Sellers Inspection

Sellers Inspection

Construction Inspection

Construction Inspection

Construction Inspection

In both new and older homes, the best way to ensure that you are well informed about the strengths and weaknesses of a property is to have a profession home inspection performed. We are trained to identify all problem areas both small and large that may have been unknown to the previous owners and to identify which require immediate attention. See the Inspection Overview for more details.

Whether you are selling your home on your own or using a Realtor, it’s always a wise idea to have a professional home inspection. Knowledge is power and all homes have strengths and weaknesses. We help you answer how serious the problems are and which must be immediately addressed and which can wait. The more you know about your home, the more prepared you will be for negotiation. See the Inspection Overview for more details.

In a new home, the quality of construction can vary from job site to job site, therefore many buyers have independent reviews of their construction during various stages of the process, including slab, frame, and final inspection. This relatively inexpensive inspection protects your purchase, prevents unpleasant surprises, and ensures the quality home before a final purchase.

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